Thursday, August 4, 2011

To Conquer or Accept?

I am a wimp.

I cried when I saw Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid at Disneyworld when I was little because I was so scared by the plays.
What a weenie.

Honestly though, this wimpiness has acted as a bit of a "sine wave" in my life. I started out wimpy, got crazy, and am back to being wimpy again!
So you already know I was scared of Disney princesses as a child, but here are some more things that freaked me out: the missionaries, history channel documentaries, and the monster under my bed.

Then I hit my teen years! Out comes crazy Lacey! I actually became quite the thrill seeker as a teenager. I realized I loved adrenaline rushes. Roller coasters, cliff jumping, white water river rafting, rock climbing, ghost riding, etc. I loved that kind of stuff.

This week I have been at the Holyoak family reunion. First off, I just need to say that I am so proud to call myself a Holyoak. I love these people with all my heart. Anyways, the Holyoaks have a tradition where we go to Spring Hollow (near Glendale, Utah) and climb up a 40 ft crevice to etch our names in the sandstone. We have done it at every Holyoak family reunion. I have been up twice. I remember going up the first time and it being a piece of cake!
This week it was different. I was nervous! Regardless of how wimpy I was feeling, I went up that crevice and I'm sure I will continue to do so until I am too old/smart to do them anymore. I continually force myself to do things I wouldn't do if other people weren't around. Must be a pride thing.

1 comment:

  1. haha love that baby lacey picture! Way to not be a wimp! Yeah, it is probably a Holyoak pride thing and the fact that baby Hallie went up, so you had to ;)
