Sunday, January 9, 2011


Sometimes I catch myself looking back on the past:

The regrets that I have, the choices I’ve made,

And I wish I could “return to start. Collect $200.”

Then I look at myself today and see how strong I am.

I see the choices I make now, and the opportunities I have

And am ready to tackle life.

I still make wrong decisions. “Go to Jail. Do not collect $200.”

It seems like sometimes the “property” I gain is sometimes a bonus

Other times a burden.

Exchanging with others, generally beneficial, but sometimes leave me worse off.

Life is not perfect, but God is.

Sometimes I see myself through others’ eyes:

In childhood, the girl scared of everything who liked to talk and eat popcorn with her toes.

In high school, the girl who liked to be liked, the band-loving geek.

In college, the girl who laughs the loudest says things off the top of her head without a filter sometimes.

I carry all these parts of life with me, some attributes I have discarded, others I try to keep.

All-in-all it doesn’t matter because they all make up the parts of me.

I continue across the board with my chin up, shoulders forward.

Prepared for the struggle ahead.

Hoping the dice roll the way I want them to, but realizing life will go on if they don’t.

Grateful for the struggles because without them, learning is unattainable.


  1. Wait until you add some little blue and pink pegs to your car (oh, wait...that's Life, wrong game) then you not only have to worry about the roll of the dice for you but for your children also. Thanks for not making me worry too much! You are figuring out things quite nicely.

  2. To my Beautiful Lacey inside and out! I know you say I don't comment on your blogs enough because you know I read ever single one, so here is your comment ;).

    I love reading your insightful blog posts. I'm so proud of you and the progress you have made in your life. You are one of my best friends, my childhood playmate, someone I practice my parenting on ;), my workout buddy, my stuff-your-face with the Coco Bean cupcake buddy, little-big-planet partner, my faithful home video watcher, my comforter when I'm sad...MY SISTER.

    People in this life will try to bring you down, play the victim, try to lower your self esteem, but don't let them. They don't deserve it. I hope you see yourself through your family member, close friends and my eyes. You are incredible and I feel blessed to be your sister :D
