Sunday, August 22, 2010

Plain Jane

My life is uncommonly normal. I have never broken a bone. I have had the same favorite color for most of my life. I have brown hair and brown eyes. Sweatpants are one of my favorite items of clothing. I look the same in my baby pictures as I do now, over eighteen years later--bangs and all. In fact, just last night, my friend told me straight out that I have looked the same since I moved here almost eight years ago! [pictures first: big sister Aubrey Holyoak Johnson and I. Second: Me with my best friend Leisa Marino] Regardless, I am a very average girl. One thing I am so grateful for is the ordinariness of my life. My family is rock-solid. I am always cracking jokes to my friends that I constantly wait for some tragedy to hit my family because things always seem so good. Basiclly, I have a sitcom family. Most of the conversations held in our house consist of loads of laughter. I have great friends. I love my religion with all my heart. I look at the trials and struggles some others have to go through in their lives and I am so grateful that my life is boring in comparison. I have had my own personal trials, of course. My mom always told me that being a teenager is hard, and it is hard, but as I get older and closer to leaving the life of a teenager, I can see that any struggles I have had have really been miniscule. I don't know why my life has been basically easy so far. Maybe it's because of the righteousness of my parents or maybe it's because my life trials are further ahead in my future. I don't think it is because of my works especially. I am definitely an imperfect being. I know I have offended many people; I have made choices I am not proud of; I struggle with things that are easy for most people to overcome. I mean, I want to say I try my best, but I know I can be better.
Thank goodness I have the gospel to rely on whenever I do have my mini-trials or times I feel depressed or let down. I know that Christ and Heavenly Father love me. I know that my family will always be there for me regardless of what happens. I am so grateful for the challeges presented in my daily life that allow me to progress and learn. If not for those I would be at a spiritual stand-still.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I, Lacey,

will be posting a blog shortly.

Now is not the time.

I will be retaining it mentally until I feel appropriate. [or have enough time to post]
